About Me

About Me

Would you believe me if I told you I didn't like math at all when I was in middle school and high school? It's true! Math was difficult for me. I thought some people were math people and some people just weren't. And, I just wasn't a math person- or so I thought.

In graduate school I took a required math class that totally changed how I saw math. And, then... wait for it.... I totally surprised my self by choosing to take even more math classes! Because, guess what!?! I discovered math wasn't what I thought it was. It was actually pretty fun and interesting. And, it turns out, that whole idea about some people just being born math people isn't really true.

It was then that I decided to become a math teacher so I could help all students know they are capable of doing math, too. I want to show students that math is about problem solving and making sense of things. And, there are reasons why math works the way it does. My favorite part of teaching is planning activities that set students up to discover patterns and generalize rules for themselves. 

So, we won't be doing any mathe-magic in my class. We will be thinking and making sense of how and why math works the way it does. The process is just as important, if not more important than getting the answer.

In middle school, students gain a foundation for high school math courses and clear up any misunderstandings of elementary school content. This makes middle school math really important. But, that's just one of the reasons I chose to teach middle school. I'm also a big believer in the importance of after school activities. This year I'll be coaching the robotics program.  I can't wait!

When I'm not at school, I enjoy practicing yoga, reading and adventuring with my family. I have been married to my husband, Ryan, for 17 years and we have three kids. I was blessed to be able to stay home with my kids when they were little. Before that, I worked as a case manager for a child abuse and neglect prevention program. While I was home with my children, I worked part time as a church youth director.  Now that my kids are older, I chose to be a teacher. And, for those wondering.... yes, that is my husband. ;)